Registered Charity Status Awarded!

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we have just been awarded registered charity status as a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO). The Final Straw Solent CIC is now the Final Straw Foundation CIO. This is a huge deal for us and we are very excited! We have worked hard over the last couple of years as a non-profit community interest company, and are now transitioning to become the Final Straw Foundation CIO. Our registered charity number is 1191500. We are also taking this opportunity to rebrand, with a new logo to go with our new name.

We’d like to thank everyone that has supported us over the last two years as a CIC, from volunteers to businesses supporters and press contacts, you have all been incredible. We are looking forward to taking even greater steps forward over the coming years as a charity, and have spent a lot of time during this strange Covid19 period formulating plans for the future. Watch this space!

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